Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Adele's second birthday

My little girl just turned two. I've been in a circle skirt sewing mood ever since reading this

So here's the quick dress made just for her little party.

And here is the darling who wore it!
I put three layers of tulle underneath and sewed it all to a tee shirt. It's fluffy but not too fru fru, kind of like the two year old herself. :)

The fabric for the number two and headband are scraps from a quilt I made my Gramma when I was a little girl so that's kid of special. Or maybe it means I'm a pack rat? ;) Here are a few pictures from the day.

These little ones are all cousins in one way or another. Wow, we have a lot of kids (and this isn't even all of them).
And the food table and food just to make you hungry!

 Food fit for two year olds!


Happy birthday Adele Madelynn!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

sewing machines and sewing stretchy fabric

I have been afraid of sewing with knits/stretchy fabric for so many years. But since I recently updated from having used this sweet old lady for the past 9 years, I decided it was time to get over myself and just learn something new.

I know this is stupid but I want to cry a little when I look at this picture. She was such a faithful little machine and helped me sew so many special things, my wedding quilt, baby clothes, skirts, pillows, curtains...oh dear. But it was time to move on.
I now have this:

 So far, I like it very much. Sometimes it sounds like it's struggling a little as I sew but maybe I'm just not used to it's "normal" noises?
Anyhow, I was supposed to be talking about sewing stretchy fabric wasn't I? After experimenting with different stitches and lengths, I figured it out and had a new outfit done in one morning. In case anyone reading this happens to have the same machine as me, I found that stitch number 02 works great for tee shirt like material.

 Now we all know why I always wear sunglasses, I'm squinting like a grandpa and it's a cloudy day.

Before I hemmed. I also might need to do sit ups more regularly?

 Real life.
Oh, and see the little girl matching me? She was so so happy when I gave her her own dress. She hugged me a lot.
 See? Lot's of hugs.

Don't tell her that it isn't hemmed and only took a few minutes to make. Well, I guess you can, she would probably just laugh at you and say "nooo".

Oh, and did I mention that I only spent $5 in all for this fabric? At Walmart. :D

Thursday, June 5, 2014

My oldest is 6!

His birthday was May 2nd so yeah, I'm a month behind. It's ok, he's still cute. ;)
My little (big) boy wants to be a chef. so I made him an apron and hat and bought him a mixing bowl and a few other important cooking things. I like the idea of helping my kids pursue their little ideas.

 Of course when you are a chef you decorate your own cake.

I can't believe I'm the mom of a six year old. I feel like a kid still myself sometimes. But it's fun!